Monday, April 21, 2008

Tissue Brands

I just went through a family size box of Kleenex in less than one week and my nose didn't hurt nearly as bad as using 2 Puffs Plus tissues just now. I don't blame my roommate for not knowing what's up. I even assumed Puffs might be better because of their sweet commercials with little clay people that have pointy little noses like mine. I like the Kleenex boxes better anyway. They're probably less environmentally friendly since they have plastic on them and glue to adhere the plastic vs. Puffs' rip-open front, but it's worth it. It just shows how much they splurge on their customers. And maybe we're lucky and the plastic is made out of biodegradable corn resin. Anyways, a word from the wise (saying "to the wise" just doesn't make sense because you don't know yet!): Kleenex is the way to go.

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