Friday, May 22, 2009

Major Baking Fail: Blondies

I tried to make some brownies (post coming next) and blondies for a friend's dinner party since it would be with a bunch of people I didn't know; I always bring food to make a good impression. I wanted to make them easy to share so I made them in cupcake tins; I also didn't have any square brownie pans to make them in. I found a decent recipe for blondies & decided to add butterscotch chips for an extra zip. I remember adding the baking powder & baking soda and thinking it was way too much for the recipe, but I didn't do anything about it. I noticed them rising way too much in the oven and panicked, but there was nothing I could do at that point. They came out of the oven and immediately fell into little hard rocks of failure. I will have to find a better recipe and try again. Never give up!

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