Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Guys Are Dumb

I have gone out to eat and hung out with some guy friends multiple times lately. I get along best with guys, so it's been fun. However, guys these days don't seem to understand that if you don't ask a girl out specifically on a date, it's not a date. If you say, "Hey, let's go to this great restaurant!" that's not a date. If you say, "We need to hang out soon," that's not a date. Anything that is not along the lines of, "I'd love to take you out to this great place," or "Would you like to go on a date with me to _____," is not grounds to make a hangout a date.

Communication is such an issue in the world these days. It seems like many guys are just too pussy to risk confrontation and rejection by fully putting themselves out there. Instead, they're vague and don't actually express their true intentions, leaving them high and dry when they realize they forget to let the girl know how they feel from the start. I have so much more respect for guys who come up to me and ask me out straight up than those who act like a friend until they don't let you pay for your own meal. Even if I shoot a guy down, I'm going to let him know that I thought it took real courage to come out and ask like that so he's not afraid to try again.

I am taking a break from all guys, even if they're just friends, to be by myself and get away from any possible bullshit semi-dramatic situation. The lack of drama is why I like hanging out with guys more than girls and get along with them better, but that really isn't working out for me right now.

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