Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dream Weaver

I have been having the most lucid, crazy dreams lately. This morning, I woke up absolutely terrified from a dream I was having.

In this dream, I was at "home" (it didn't look anything like my house) and there were prisoners being brought into my living room for interrogation in front of a small crowd. There was this one prisoner that had to be beaten to a complete pulp to get him to settle down enough for the guards to walk him to the chair in the middle of the room and chain him down since he was trying to bite and kick everyone. As they were chaining him to the chair, I saw a giant missile coming towards my house out of nowhere. It landed right next to the window I was standing by, just tearing up earth, but thankfully not exploding. For some reason, these missiles seemed to be only for the purpose of destroying things with their sheer size and mass. Everyone in the room noticed that dozens more were coming at us and we all scrambled to run for cover.

Despite the previously mentioned prisoner's disposition, I immediately took his arm and dragged him with me to hide behind a couch. All previous notions of each other (his loathing of me, my fear of him) were left behind as we made each others' lives our priority. I took out my cell phone to text A and let him know that I loved him because I didn't know if I would ever see him again, but I realized in my dream that he was in jail and didn't have a cell phone! I started absolutely bawling because there was no way for me to give him a final message to let him know I cared if something bad happened to either him or myself. (I often have this fear when riding in a plane or having a daydream that the bus I'm on will lose control on the Washington Ave. bridge and plunge into the Mississippi below where I will die quickly from hypothermia and because I can't hold my breath underwater for shit.)

Suddenly, a giant, gold force field came out of nowhere to protect the entire planet from this alien attack. (It had just dawned upon me out of nowhere that the missiles were coming from outer space.) My mom and I realized that it was someone from the future coming back in time to protect us all. We chanted a cheer that I've forgotten in waking hours and danced around hugging each other. I called a friend in Boston (I have no friends in Boston) who had not been disturbed by anything of the sort and realized that the attack had only happened in a few places and very few people in the world knew that this had just happened and doom had been prevented by a prophet from the future.

That is when I woke up and thanked my lucky stars that hadn't really happened. Trust me, this dream is only as crazy as numerous others I've had lately. Is something in the water or am I just being driven crazy by ungodly amounts of thinking needed for classes, homework, and work?

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