Sunday, June 29, 2008


I want almost exactly this tattoo in the center of her chest:

I just love the placement; another tattoo that is easily hidden but can also be shown to the whole wide world. She has basically the locket shape & style that I have wanted. I'd rather have some leaves that are similar to those on my side piece peeking out behind it on the left and right, though. I want all the tattoos I get (ob-v not a lot) to complement each other.

I've also thought about getting a chest piece. There's about a 97% chance I would never do such a thing, but I think really classic ones are nice on girls. The thing is, though, are they nice on old ladies? No. I think I'd have it centered around a pocket watch, with banners that I might just leave blank. Who knows. The planning is in the earliest stages and will most likely never get past that.

I've also thought about getting a small piece on my other hip, like a single calla lily or iris with some leaves (again mirroring those on my side piece) or a little woodland creature (a bird or owl, not a cartoon bunny!!).

Basically, I love tattoos. I'd love to cover my body in them. Who knows, maybe I will have a little independent bakery my whole life and not worry about how I look to the corporate crowd. However, I am so traditional in many senses that a heavily tattooed body doesn't really go with that. I don't want my child's friends' parents seeing both my husband and I (Who knows who I'll marry?) with full sleeves and judging her home life falsely. Sometimes you have to play the game to get where you want. People judge harshly on appearances and often never let you prove yourself beyond what you look like.

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