Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm A Bad Luck Magnet

So yesterday I decided to walk to the bus stop from work without Michael because he was staying late with Billy to get some training in on manager duties & Jackie requested I be back asap. I decided to call Aaron and talk to him while I was walking since it takes about 15 minutes. Right as I was approaching the bus stop, a guy ran up behind me, grabbed my head, pushed me to the ground, and took my phone. I screamed bloody murder and watched him run away down University. I looked up and no one was reacting, but finally the other woman at the bus stop asked me what was wrong and called the police immediately. I gave a description and told them the direction he was going & saw 3 police cars go that way in the following 5 minutes. I of course called Aaron right away using the lady's phone to let him know I hadn't died or anything. (Later he told me he thought I got hit by a car.) He's lucky that he's the only person whose phone number I know by heart, thanks to a sign he made me that hung above my bed all last year. That lady & her child had to get on the bus, though, so I sat sobbing alone at the bus stop while tons of people passed me and gave me weird looks.

I for sure thought there was no way I'd get my phone back because it was so random & he probably knew to throw out the SIM card so it couldn't be traced (he actually did this). After 10 minutes of waiting and looking at my scraped-up hands and ripped jeans, a police car approached me and told me to come with, as they had found the likely suspect. The officer, a young guy, kept calling me honey, but probably because I was crying so much and he wanted to calm me down. We went to the spot where they caught him and I had to identify him. I was terrified that they got the wrong guy and I was accusing an innocent person, but the guy DID end up having my phone.

Apparently some homeless man had pursued him and made it easier for police to find him. He came up to the car I was in & told me, "God is always watching." He made the officer I was with use his computer to look up &, but his story about it really went nowhere.

I got my phone back but it of course didn't have the SIM card anymore. The guy who took it told the police to look at a certain intersection for it, but after 10 minutes of looking we still couldn't find it.

The officer took photos of my scrapes and phone for evidence against the guy & told me he was going to jail. I still feel really uncomfortable & guilty that I sent someone to jail but everyone has assured me it was deserved on his part.

The officer took me home & you can't believe how many looks I got for being in the back of a police car. BTW, I could barely fit my legs in there, so I don't know how big guys can fit!!

As soon as I got home I used Jackie's phone to call people that I needed to tell. It took forever to track down my parents because I don't know their cell numbers. I called all my mom's relatives and finally got her number. I called my boss, about 5238409 people to get Hunter's number and call him, and a few others.

Aaron biked over right away and, being the best friend that he is, brought me a razmatazz cupcake from Cupcake and Ben & Jerry's Phish Food. We took the bus to the T-Mobile store before it closed and got a new SIM card for my phone no problem. It is now in full working order and I cannot get over how fortunate I am to have it back in my possession. On the bus there, I'm pretty sure the woman who helped me at the bus stop got on with her child, but I was much too shy and uncertain to go up to her and thank her. Aaron has her number since I called him from it, so I will call her soon and let her know that without her, I would be phone-less!

My mom came over & told me about how much my dad was freaking out and insisting that I now HAD to get a car & enjoyed the Phish Food Aaron brought since it's her favorite flavor.

I spent the rest of the night just vegging & enjoying company. I was bummed that I didn't end up going out to some parties with Hunter, but I'm also glad I didn't.

I love my friends & family for being here for me no matter what, especially when I somehow get myself into situations like this. I'm starting to feel like Bella in Twilight, always needing to be rescued. Who will be my Edward?

I just want a break from the bad luck, really. Car accident, Urgent Care, Mugging? What's going to happen to me next?

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